Exponents of 'Anyonyam' - Rare 4000 year old Vedic Tradition honoured

The 10th century Sri Rama Temple in Kadavallur, a small village in Thrissur district of Kerala, is famous not only for its architectural beauty but for being the only place in the entire country where a unique tradition of Vedic Learning is being preserved for the last 4000 years.

Kerala Kadavallur Scholars

The Anyonyam Test

Demonstrating their talent in Vedic learning, two schools, the Thirunavay Yogam and the Thrissur Yogam met for ten days annually in the Rama Temple at Kadavallur and challenged and examined each other, reciting at ease from any part of the Veda. The test also involved splitting the sutras into their component words without any mistake. Success in the test would indicate complete command and precision learning of the Vedas. Of the ten days, Rig Veda exams take place for eight days, Yajur and Sama Veda for one day each. Unfortunately, one of the schools has closed down and the Thrissur school survives.

Kerala Kadavallur Scholars
Kerala Kadavallur Scholars
Kerala Kadavallur Scholars
Kerala Kadavallur Scholars

Scholars Honoured

The scholars of Thrissur Yogam visited Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, Kanchipuram and received the Blessings of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji and Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji. The scholars demonstrated their tradition. Their Holinesses interacted with the scholars and suitable honours were conferred on them. Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam has agreed to support the school through regular monetary contributions and keep alive this rare tradition.

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